
Wanelo is performing very well

In Social Media, Social Media Marketing by Mark Guertin2 Comments

         If you have not heard of Wanelo it is about time that we discuss it. I am in the process of working up a very detailed blog post on the top 40 social media sites. In the process of doing that I had to sit up and double take note of Wanelo! Take a look at the stats:


Strong upward trending

         Wanelo is a very unique social media site that successfully intertwines social media with a unique shopping experience. In addition to this Wanelo is also a very smart place to begin building an online storefront for your products.

         If you have an e-commerce website we highly recommend that you use Wanelo to improve your branding and sales. To learn all about the opportunities and benefits take a minute to read our comprehensive Wanelo Review.

         If you need assistance in developing your presence at Wanelo we would be happy to assist you. You can follow us there at: http://wanelo.com/impactsocialmedia

         If you would like to watch a detailed YouTube video to help you gain deeper understanding of why Wanelo is so unique and is trending so well: