Make Money On Second Life

Second Life – Making Real Money In Virtual Worlds

In Making Money Online, Social Media by Mark Guertin2 Comments

Second Life – Making Real Money In Virtual Worlds

Make Money On Second Life

Make Money On Second Life

At one time I was a top successful entrepreneur at Second Life. I want to share with you my experience there as a virtual business entrepreneur.

I initially joined Second Life after reading an article which had proclaimed it to be one of the top business opportunities. Wanting to know more I joined.

Right away I realized that I could use my programming skills – graphics design skills – and business skills to make a go of it.

I started off with a very small store and initially filled that store with some clever jewelry items that I had made. First few weeks in and the store was making about 30 dollars a month net profits.

So I opened a 2nd store that was twice as big as the first and within no time it was hauling in 75-100 dollars per month!

As time progressed I became more advanced in my ability to create and script virtual world content and my data showed that it was making more than reasonable profit.

To make a long story short, I continued to build new stores one after the other and each one being near double the size of the previous store. I ended up designing and selling a variety of items and at last I had 9 different stores running, a successful beach club and 2 sims of land which is a lot.

At one point I had more than 1 million Lindens of game money in my account and at this time that equated to roughly $4,100.00 USA dollars. The best month I ever had was in excess of $3,800 USA dollars NET profits across all nine stores!

At or near the pinnacle of my virtual business in Second Life I brought in a business partner to manage everything and I split the net profits with them. I can tell you that a portion of my profits went to help put my son through college.

As time became more critical for me and as I began to be absorbed in my full time college studies and the running of my full time business (real life business that is) I was having more and more of a struggle to maintain and design new and updated items for Second Life.

Simultaneously to this I was tracking all of the data and had noticed a slow but gradual decline in gross sales as well as a noticeable depreciation in Second Life land values.

Whether wise or not I made the decision to pull the plug. I liquidated all of my virtual real estate one by one until nothing remained. As of today I no longer do business in Second Life as I am beyond busy with my real life business.

What I can tell you is that I met a lot of cool people there and very much enjoyed designing content for the place. I can also assure you that once I was going good this thing generated a very impressive amount of side income for me.

If you are looking for a place to socialize and yet remain somewhat anonymous you might consider making use of 2nd life. If the thought of having real world profits from a virtual world business is interesting to you then by all means take a look at 2nd life.

I am not the only one who has found ways to make money there as you will see in the video included here. Some people have found a way to pull 10k per month from the place and literally make it as a full time job there!

Some develop content, some are photographers or dj’s, others buy-sell-develop-rent land… and the list goes on as to how people find ways to make $ so there you go the rest is up to you!

A Documentary Video On Second Life


  1. Are you exaggerating the amount of money you made? I mean $10,000 dollars a month sound a little extreme. From what I have read $10,000 lindens a month is more common. And most people do not even make that much.

    1. Author

      Not exaggerating at all but that was the best month I ever did. Also bear in mind that number is not a net profit number. This was generated with 9 different stores using about 2 sims worth of land. Also, I spent substantial money on advertisements and helpers and workers. After ALL expenses that $10,000 gross sales amount produced about $4,500.00 in NET profits.

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