How Mobile are Social Networks?

Popular Social Networks used on Mobile in the US

In Mobile Apps, Social Media, Social Media Marketing by Mark GuertinLeave a Comment

How Mobile are Social Networks?

How Mobile are Social Networks?

Popular Social Networks used on Mobile in the US

2014 is said to be the Year of the Mobile. The sales for smart phones and tablets keeps on increasing making this an important factor for social media marketing. The way of getting connected to the net and acquiring information is not only limited to computers but has already gone mobile and the increasing rate of smart phone users is now a very important factor that should be considered by social media marketers.

So basically, it is highly recommended that social media platforms used by marketers must be tweaked to make them mobile friendly. But then, not all platforms are popular on mobile and it is also helpful to know what the popular mobile apps are and the percentage of how much time people spend on those.

As mobile devices become more powerful with larger displays and quicker internet speeds the need to reach out into this arena will become increasingly more important.

An interesting article over at Mashable makes an astounding point that Instagram mobile usage is at 98% while Pinterest is at 92% followed by Twitter at 86%. This would indicate that if you have social media marketing at any of these three platforms the mobile users represent your largest potential targeting group for all of your social marketing efforts!

Since we’re already on this subject have you even bothered to check and see if your YouTube videos were displaying properly on mobile devices? If you’re not sure how to address this critical issue just take a minute to watch the video below. The video is entitled, “Make YouTube Videos Viewable on Your Mobile Devices [YouTube How-to]” and it will walk you through all of the necessary steps.

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