Twitter VS Plurk

Plurk vs Twitter which is better?

In Social Media, Social Networking by Mark GuertinLeave a Comment

Plurk vs Twitter which is better?

Twitter VS Plurk

Twitter VS Plurk

If you ask me that question I will not hesitate to tell you right away that Plurk is far superior to Twitter in many respects. This is after using both platforms and making an unbiased comparison.

Now with that being said I must share with you that I am totally dumbfounded that Twitter has a much much larger user base than Plurk. In fact, Twitter is a household word as compared to Plurk which is barely even known by the masses.

Maybe you are wanting to ask me how is it that this superior Plurk is so far in trailing behind Twitter? You know I just cannot be sure how to answer that question for sure. One thing I know, this is not the first time that I have found a superior social media network to lag behind a less superior network and this in fact may hold the key to the answer….

In other words at the end of the day maybe what really has more impact than anything is SIMPLICITY. The simpler a platform is then the easier it is to build a big user base. Look for example at the most advanced social network on earth Second Life and nobody even knows they exist. Look at the most sophisticated blog platform anywhere Live Journal and nobody knows about it.

Anyway, we love Plurk dearly and are simply thrilled with everything about it. We are a bit dismayed that we do not have a larger fan base there but we are working on it. Hopefully, people will become more aware of this network and it will experience more growth in the user base but only time will tell.

In the meantime take a moment to watch this video of a big Twitter fan comparing Plurk and Twitter and realizing some of the cool features and unique capabilities that Plurk offers.

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