Twitter Tips

Helpful Twitter Tips

In Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Tutorials, Social Networking by Mark GuertinLeave a Comment

Helpful Twitter Tips

Twitter Tips

Twitter Tips

Unless you have been living under a rock somewhere you probably have heard about Twitter.

Twitter is a top social platform that is known for rapid fire communication, short message length and hash tags.

If you are a business owner it stands to reason that you can work at leveraging Twitter to improve branding, website traffic and other things.

It doesn’t cost anything to join Twitter and you can do targeted advertising there for a reasonable fee.

What we find with Twitter is that a lot of people just don’t realize the do’s and don’ts of this platform. Common mistakes are automated and/or constant tweets just linking back to your content. Another mistake is ignoring and/or not following back your fan base.

To be more effective at Twitter you need a nice looking profile, you need to be interesting and offer some variety of tweets and you also need to appreciate and engage your fan base by retweeting, favoriting and following back!

I stumbled across this video today from Three Minute Summaries and I think it is worth watching it to get a few useful Twitter tips. Instead of presenting some automated or scripted method of getting zillions of Twitter followers over night, Three Minute Summaries gives a real world bona-fide approach on how to do better at Twitter using proper methods.

How to Get More Twitter Followers: If you’re new to Twitter or just want to get more followers, this simple guide will help you get started today!

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